Illustrations from Children’s
Picture Books Exhibition: The First Step

November 4th-14th 2022 Venue: Ankara University, European Union Research and Application Center (ATAUM) Lounge Area
“Children’s Picture Books Illustrations Exhibition: The First Step” is organised to get to know children’s literature, which contributes to acknowledging the development of visual thinking via children’s picture books published in Turkey and Finland and to create awareness of drawing, picturing and illustrating.
“Children’s Picture Books Illustrations Exhibition: The First Step” was designed as the first step to carry along the efforts and the journey of creation of illustrators forward. This exhibition, which started off with small contributions with many people in the field of children’s picture books, should be perceived as a starting point. Contributions like illustrations, in which different steps pursue each other, contributions which commence before appearing, which steer towards where they will be visible.
Instead of being definite and unchanging, the books you will encounter at the exhibition will form an archive, with ever-expanding examples, which will thrive thanks to various contributions in time and lay the ground for visual and written works for infinite types of reading.
This archive will be born and will grow, thanks to your contributions.

Yazar: Sevim Ak Çizer: Huban Korman Can Çocuk, 2006

Yazar: Seza Kutlar Aksoy Çizer: Serap Deliorman Tudem, 2009

Yazar: Aino Havukainen Çizer: Sami Toivonen Otava Yayınevi

Yazar: Sevim Ak Çizer: Huban Korman Can Çocuk, 2006